Master Certified

Fawn Hoener

Fawn is a Certified Master Wayfinder Coach. Prior to coaching, she was a hospice nurse for 27 years. She is a life-long minimalist, raised 4 children as a single mother and is a care giver to a person with a serious mental illness.

Kat Hehnke

As a coach, teacher, and writer, I’m passionate about serving others on their own quests for finding a personal version of a beautiful and meaningful life. This can be a challenging journey for those of us born into families and cultures that don’t quite understand us. Taking that journey can bring healing to the world.

Bev Barnes

Are you an empathic women who wants to make a difference in the world, but you’re hiding? I’ll help you to unlock your hidden genius and start a purpose aligned next life chapter. “You weren’t born to fit in. The world needs you to stand out.”

Katie D Holmes

I help women who are tired of struggling with their relationship with food & their body finally experience the confidence they long for and the athletic look they love without rigid diets or expensive trainers/programs so they can be healthy and energized for their family, wear clothes they love, and feel freedom.

Kitty Flewelling

I help women, coaches and helping professionals find lasting, peaceful solutions that balance creative livelihood, loving relationships, and self-care. If you are ready to go deep, befriend the beautiful monsters that have been standing in your way and unveil your deepest well-being then schedule a complimentary call.

Joi Whitmore

It is my desire to help others tune into the often unheard music of their bodies and cultivate a rhythm of alignment with their true nature. My Soul Integration and Empowerment Coaching helps high-achievers who feel misaligned with their professional persona integrate their soul’s longings into their present lives.

Development Alchemy + Aim