Women's Issues

Jennifer Dove-Robinson

I can help you untangle habitual thought patterns and teach you how to follow your own inner guidance system. Work with me to learn how to experience the more of who you are, to align with your unique purpose, and to bring a renewed commitment to your soul growth.

Sarah Grace Powers

Perimenopause and Menopause opens up a portal. I guide you through that doorway to release cultural programming to discover who you are meant to be. Using mindset and somatic tools you will release body shame, and develop self-care skills that will take you into your wisdom years feeling strong, vibrant and free.

Hollye Jacobs

Hollye Jacobs, RN, MS, MSW is a Resilience Coach specializing in helping people before, during and after the inevitable storms of life. She helps people gain, maintain and sustain peace, equanimity, and well-being during and after life’s inevitable ups and downs, from illness to recovery and everything in between.

Sarah Curnoles

Sarah Curnoles is a life coach for burned out mid-career professionals who want more fulfillment and joy in life and work. Sarah has worked in various fields ranging from theatre production and fitness to mortgages and helps her clients with boundaries, navigating major change, and self-empowerment.

Sisi Liang

You’re no stranger to your own badassery. You’re being called to find a new way, shift course, own a deeper truth in every facet of yourself.

Rumi said, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In this field I help you give birth to your deepest desires. See you there.

Development Alchemy + Aim